Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd February 21st, 2016 12,884 Views 0 Comments
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29 WEB
I know a dad that once bought his son a car because he had taken a turn for the better. Not very long after this, his son got a DUI with the car and the dad took it back and sold it. I don't blame the dad and may have done the same, but often our gifts are more of a bonus or a reward than an actual gift.
Many times when we give gifts to someone, it is based on their behavior or performance. If we can take it back, then it's not a gift for it was not really theirs to begin with.
God does not take back His love, His gifts, or His calling of us no matter what we do. It is not based on our performance, or our behavior, though we should try and live right. He did not call us, or give us the gifts in our life because we were good. It is because He is good, and He is faithful to keep His promises.
I have had a 'calling' on my life since I was young. God told me to 'prepare' myself because I would be in ministry and teach His word. This was over twenty-five years ago when I was in my late teens.
After years of preparing for ministry, attending Bible college after work, getting a degree, studying, praying, fasting, there was a train wreck right in the middle of it. I went through a long drawn out divorce and it got really ugly, but I knew when I started contemplating ending it all that it was time for change.
I resolved to just make the best of what was left of my life and forgot about ministry altogether. One day while in prayer this verse came to mind and I heard 'What I have told you, I will do.' I was pretty sure that I had ruined God's plan for me, but I just put it on the shelf and waited to see what would happen.
In time I was herded into ministry like cattle through a loading chute. Now here I am writing this and looking back through a string of unplanned jobs, it appears that He equipped and trained me for this along the way. Like Joseph, the things that I went through only brought me closer to His goal.
No matter what you have done in your life, the same gifts, the same calling, the same love, is still there. Don't distance yourself from God because you think that you messed up. When God gives us something, it comes with no strings attached, and He does not take it back. When your life is submitted to Him, the things that you are going through will only bring you closer to His goal.
Prayer: Father I thank You for all that You do for me. My life has taken unexpected twists and turns, but here I am Lord, ready to serve You as best I can. Take me, use me, speak to me and through me, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
Note: Happy Sunday, everyone! We pray that God blesses you with rest and a fresh encounter with His presence! For those who may be struggling today, we are always available to pray for you through our Prayer Network. Just click on the Prayer link on the site menu to send in a private request. Of course, if privacy is not an issue, you can always post your needs on our homepage as well (you will need to be logged in for either). God bless and thank you all who support us, encourage us and bless us with your presence at RHM!