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The Path

Posted by Dion Todd December 26th, 2015 11,630 Views 0 Comments

and your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk you in it; when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21 WEB

A shepherd herding sheep down a path does not have to interact much, he just follows behind them watching. His presence is there, but he does not have to say anything. But if they come across a fork in the road, or a path on the side, the sheep may become confused and try and follow it, and then the shepherd will have to correct them and bring them back on course.

The Lord is our Shepherd. In this verse, you are walking on the path of life, and if you begin to leave it and turn to the right or to the left, you will hear the word of the Lord behind you saying: 'This is the way, walk in it.'

Many times we have prayed 'should we do this?' and just gotten silence. Over the years, there seems a pattern developing that if we are making the right decision, we often hear silence.

It is the times when we would have chosen the other path that He answers back in some way, a verse, a dream, a song, an impression. His word comes as a correction to our course, or encouragement when we are down, when we need it the most.

These days when we have to make a decision, we pray along these lines: 'Father we want Your will to be done in our lives, and unless You tell us clearly No, we are going to go forward with this.' The times when we were about to make the wrong decision, instructions came to keep us on the path.

Prayer: Father I pray for Your guidance. I want Your will to be done in my life. I choose You today and I want to stay on Your path. Help me make the right decisions. Walk with me, talk with me, guide me into all that You have for me, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

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