Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd November 24th, 2015 12,015 Views 0 Comments
Then the king gave Daniel high honors and many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon. Dan. 2:48 ESV
Daniel, who was born of royal family, was taken prisoner when Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem in 597 BC. He was taken from his homeland, made a eunuch and a servant in Babylon against his will. It wasn't the happiest of starts, but in due time, God raised him up to second-in-command and he was the wisest man in Babylon.
Joseph was born his father's favorite, but then sold into slavery, served time in prison, and then was promoted to second-in-command to Pharaoh. Moses was raised and educated as Pharaoh's royal family, then spent forty years tending sheep in the wilderness, but became the most powerful man living on earth. David was anointed by Samuel and then ran from Saul for years before he actually became the king.
God has a plan for you. Before it comes to pass though, there is a time of proving, pruning, and maturing. To us, it often looks like just plain waiting. Do not get discouraged while you are in the wilderness. God is completely faithful and the things that He has spoken to you, He will bring to pass. You cannot have a rags to riches story without the rags.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I wait on You. I thank You so much for all that You are doing in my life and I know that You will guide me down the best possible path. Have Your way in my life, in the name of Jesus I pray.
Note: Good morning, we pray you are all having a wonderful Thanksgiving week! Some group news: The FAAD topic of the week is "Redeemed - the Waiting Place", with an accompanying chat available on Thursday Whether or not you deal with depression, we believe your faith walk will be strengthened by this powerful testimony. The Creation Photographers theme for the week is "In All Things Give Thanks!". Post photos of things that you are thankful for (you can always post other photos, too :)). The Haven of Hope topic this week is: "Abuse and the Spirit of Rejection". Please join in with this topic to share your experiences with this important issue.