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Hidden in Plain Sight

Posted by Dion Todd May 13th, 2015 13,253 Views 0 Comments

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:18 ESV

While sitting in church one morning listening to the speaker drone on, I yawned, searched for the time and wondered how long was left before we could go home. Having served the Lord a couple decades, graduated seminary and been ordained twice, I felt that the speaker had nothing new to say that I had not heard.

As I was thinking this, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me and He said, Do you really know everything that I am going to say? Is there nothing new that I can show you? Chills ran down my neck and I sat up straight and started paying closer attention. I actually learned a couple of things during the rest of the service. I left church that day like a little dog with his tail between his legs and now I try to pay better attention when the Holy Spirit is using someone. God can be right in front of you, speaking to you, and you can miss Him.

The religious leaders of the day missed Jesus. When He spoke in His hometown of Nazareth, they tried to kill Him (Luke 4:28). Stephen was so filled with the Holy Spirit that his face shown like that of an angel, and the religious leaders stoned him (Acts 7:15). Religion is always exclusive, while God is inclusive. God so loved the world, while we just love people who are just like us. We can miss God just as easily as they did if are not willing to be teachable and keep an open mind.

It is easy to become cynical and believe that you are really smart when you have been around religion a long time. You know people for who they were, but God knows who they are and can use anyone. We should know that by now. If someone is sharing something, listen to what they are saying! You might learn something, just like I did.

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