Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd May 2nd, 2015 13,708 Views 0 Comments
And Agrippa said to Paul, In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian? Acts 26:28 ESV
I was in awe of power of the Holy Spirit as I saw this hardened drug dealer begin to weep. He was a friend whose life had gone the other way. One day I was going to town and he wanted to come, so I brought him along. As we drove down the highway, I began to tell him about some scripture that I had been studying recently and how it fascinated me.
At first he just laughed it off and said a few mocking things, like You dont really believe that stuff do you? But soon the Holy Spirit settled over him and he became shaky and scared. If he could have gotten out of the car, he would have, but today I was driving. He stared out of the passenger side window for a while and when he looked back at me, he was in tears.
Here we were with the Holy Spirit loving this guy who had never given Him a positive thought. He did drugs, sold drugs, stole things, and nothing really seemed beneath him. God loved him and was reaching out to draw him into the flock that day.
We should reach out to the lost wherever, and whoever they may be. Be a friend to those that need one, because they will not listen to an enemy. Also, dont try and correct the problems in people's lives. Lead them to Jesus first and He will take care of the rest. Paul witnessed to everyone around him. Some were saved, some were not. His goal was to save everyone and let God sort them out. We should do the same.