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Bible Study Introduction

Posted by Dion Todd April 25th, 2015 4,195 Views 0 Comments

Bible Study Intro

Welcome to our online Bible study. Here we plan to journey through the Bible a little each week as a community. There is no set pattern and this is not a "Read the Bible in a Year" plan, it will be whenever we get there. I believe that understanding a single verse is more valuable than reading an entire book. Each week we will choose a chapter or more of the Bible according to how dense the subject matter is, read it together and then discuss it on that post over the course of that week, spanning from Monday to Monday.

When is it happening?: It is happening from Monday to Monday each week. Read the post right under this one on this Bible study blog and that is where we currently are. There is no set meeting time because we have readers around the world in different timezones. Also some people work during the day, others at night, so no set time is good for everyone. You can read / listen to it anytime during the week, day or night, and leave your thoughts in the comments. 

Audio version: I will provide an audio (mp3) file that you can listen to of me reading the World English Bible (WEB) which is copyright free and embed it in each post, or you can read it in your own Bible.

How does this work?: At some point in the week, listen to the Bible chapter or read it and then post questions or answers or thoughts on the topic that we create for it each week. This will fit anyones schedule that wants to participate. At some point in your week you should be able to squeeze in 15 minutes to read or listen to the Bible. To reply with your thoughts and questions, just scroll down to the bottom of the comments to use the reply box. To reply to any of the comments, use the "reply" link to the right of any of the comments.

Group: We have a group created called "Weekly Bible Study" where we will update you with news and announcements if you wish to join at:

Some things to keep in mind:

-- This is a group / community Bible study and will go slow enough for everyone to keep up, but feel free to read the Bible as much as you want!

-- Be nice! This is a multi-cultural international website. Often there are language barriers that may cause mis-understanding, so be slow to anger.

-- Remember that not everyone has to agree with you. This is a multi-denominational community and we are inclusive, not exclusive. If I talk with any of you long enough, I can find a reason to disagree with you. I choose not to. We want everyone to participate and there may be points of disagreement, that is OK. We all work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12). None of us are as smart as all of us.

Have fun, enjoy learning about the Bible and feel free to share your faith as grow together. 

Pastor Dion

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