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A Carrot on a Stick

Posted by Dion Todd March 24th, 2015 14,675 Views 0 Comments

But Samson said to his father, Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes. His father and mother did not know that it was from the LORD, for he was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines. At that time the Philistines ruled over Israel. Judg. 14:3-4 ESV

Samson wanted to marry a Philistine woman and it upset his parents terribly. What on earth is wrong with that kid? his parents must have thought. Yet this desire was given to him by the Lord. The She is right in my eyes that Samson felt came from the Lord. Samsons destiny was down this path and he was drawn to it just like a horse can be led by a carrot on a stick. His parents did not understand his passion, because it was not their calling. The Lord was leading him into his destiny while Samson thought that he was following his own desire.

When I was growing up, I had such a strong desire to work with computers, even though I grew up on a farm and we did not own one. It seemed so impossible that I did not even pray about it and no one that I knew shared an interest in them. But that desire never left, and when I eventually gathered enough parts, I built my own computer that was housed in a cardboard box for a casing. Fast forward twenty years and I find myself spreading the gospel over the Internet, using computers. It was no accident; I was led here for such a time as this.

That nagging desire that you have that will not go away may very well be from the Lord, and will one day be used for His purpose in a more distinct way. He respects our free will, but He will often lead us with something that we desire, just like He did with Samson. Like us, you may one day look back and find that your hobby, has become your ministry.

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