Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd March 1st, 2015 13,737 Views 0 Comments
The LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.” And he said, “Throw it on the ground.” So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent, and Moses ran from it. Ex. 4:2-3 ESV
Moses had a staff that he carried, and it was nothing special at the beginning. Then after meeting with God, it transformed into an object of power. At the same time that it grew in power, it also became something scary, and Moses ran away from it. After this the Lord called him back, Moses took the staff and set out to free his people from slavery. This time he knew how to handle it.
Sometimes the Lord will take something that you already have and turn it into something powerful, but at the same time it gets scary. The risks, the responsibilities, the pressure all can make you want to run away from it. Staying with it will cause the victory will come. The Lord rarely takes you around an obstacle, He will take you straight through the middle of it.
If there is something in your life today that you want to run away from, pray about it first. God was able to tell Moses what to do and He will tell you as well. If He does not answer, then it must not be important, but sincerely give Him the chance to. Don’t run away from what could be your calling without first asking His advice. Do not let fear rob you of a blessing.